Ice Damming: Warning Signs, How They Form & What You Can Do

Ice Dam Warning Signs
Here are a few warning signs you should be on the lookout for regarding the formation of ice dams:
How Ice Dams Form
Indoor heating rises through the ceiling into the attic and warms the roof surface. Snow on the heated part of the roof melts and flows down until it reached that part of the roof that is below 32 degrees. Water freezes into an ice dam. The dam grows as it is fed by the melting snow above, but water held by the dam backs up and stays liquid. Eventually, the water finds cracks in the roof covering and flows into the attic from where it could seep through the ceiling and interior walls.
The only thing we can offer to alleviate the situation is to remove the gutter. What this does is eliminate the blockage on the roof-line and allows the snow and water to fall to the ground.*This may alleviate the problem but please keep in mind this is not guaranteed to eliminate the problem.* You will receive a flat credit of $100 that can be used towards the installation of a new gutter installed by Ned Stevens with a gutter removal service
For any questions regarding gutter removal, please call our office to speak with one of our representatives, or request a quote below.